Wednesday 2 February 2011

Let The Right One In

This is only a short commentary regarding the film and the book - but I feel an important one.

I'm talking here about the original movie, not the Hollywood remake named Let Me In.

I can confirm that in some respects, Let The Right One In is very close to the original material, but unfortunately it falls short in many ways. Not least by missing out some of the far more interesting subtexts that take place in the novel. It even cuts out exactly what happens to Eli's older protector following a fall from the hospital window. This element of the storyline serves as one of the most sinister chapters of any book I have ever read. It may not have given me night terrors but the concept left me with images in my mind that took a long while to leave.

Let The Right One In is ultimately served far better as a novel as it is nuanced, subtle, terrifying and detailed. The film misses out so much that frequently you're asking 'eh?' or 'what?' with relationships in the film, which is what the book is about.

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