Tuesday, 23 February 2010

It's Alive!!!

Yes we are! Massive apologies that due to various lifestyle changes Mr B and myself have been forced to neglect the blog somewhat of late, whilst I can't speak for him I would like to state that this was started as a fun side project for me and I wish it to stay that way. That said I will have to post less often unless someone wants to offer to help contribute as the simple fact is I'm working more and watching less of everything, including horror. It may also mean that posting decent pieces has to hold off until weekends or freer times. Likewise I have reluctantly been forced to accept that I shall have to stick to the original brief as designated in the site description above, meaning that I will only be writing news and reviews on horror films. I love television, always have, but there are literally thousands of tv review sites and millions of contributors if you're interested and it's just too demanding to review the shorter form for me. Specials and rare one offs maybe, and I may even chime in shorter pieces if time permits. I am so sorry not to be here as often but frankly I'm as sorry that I can't be watching more horror, again if someone wants to pay me to do so and write articles I'd be over the moon, the past year is one big audition if there are any scouts out there. If anyone wishes to air feelings about this decision feel free to do so on the usual channels. Now, that unpleasantness aside I began writing this to assure that I am NOT going anywhere. To wit I just watched a recent horror film and want to attempt a piece at this weekend so stay tuned if you want my take on Jennifer's Body. Oh and yes most of the stuff I watch is, by necessity, picked up on DVD, but still relevant I like to think. Until next time friends...


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