Tuesday 6 December 2016

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Where It Was Made

Good evening horror fans. An interesting piece came up from my You Tube subscriptions today courtesy of JoBlo Movie Network. It's a behind the scenes piece about one of my favourite movies, Wes Craven's original Nightmare on Elm Street. It is from a series of vignettes called "Where It Was Made", specifically focusing on the locations where the movie was filmed, including visiting them in the present day.

This particular episode is around 12 minutes long and features contributions from Heather Langenkamp (Nancy) and Robert England (Freddy Krueger). It's definitely worth a look, especially if you love the film as much as I do:


Full credit, of course, goes to JoBlo and those credited in the video. I'm not responsible for making any part of it, just a fan. Please leave a like, comment and subscribe to JoBlo if you enjoyed this.


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