Friday 10 July 2009

Review: Torchwood

Children of Earth, Day 5

SPOILER WARNING: I will be discussing events which occurred so it may not make sense until you've seen the episode and if it does it may blow something you would have preferred to experience first hand, which I recommend. Proceed at your own risk.

Oh My Gosh. Complex, thought provoking, heart breaking, and gut wrenching. A great conclusion to an excellent mini series.

The Good:
- I want to discuss Jacks final decision in the overview tomorrow, suffice to say it was damned affecting and, like it or not, bloody good drama!
- Frobisher and his family's final fate was absolutely bleak (as a lot of this finale was) but totally captivating, at parts the show was too intense, I genuinely found it hard to watch, I'm not sure I could ever view this scene again, horror excellence with no monsters in sight.
- Euros Lyn deserves an award, look at little touches like Lois' eye shot through the cell or the close up of the contact lenses new wearer. Excellence.
- Is this the end of the whole show as a project? Certainly seemed that way, if so a fitting send off, with nice references to past members who have been lost right up to the pilot.
- Jack's new life is an absolutely blinding ending, I don't know if we'll see him again, or should, but I know he does have to wander the cosmos now, there was no other way to validate that character.
- Every conclusion was well executed, plotted and played.
- If sci-fi got BAFTA's this deserves one.

The Not So Good
- If I'm nitpicking the method of defeating the aliens was a bit rushed and convenient but that was unavoidable and was more about the personal cost anyhow.
- As I say, not sure about the darkness and that last choice, have to have some time to let it settle in. When I do the stars rating may have to be reevaluated, its on the cusp.

Apologies for the delay on my promise but I will post a series overview tomorrow when I can devote the time I'd like to it, and it deserves. Until then I leave you with my favourite explanatory, moving quote and the final scores. Phew! It seems like a long week...

"There's one thing I wish I had asked Jack back in the day. I wanted to ask him about this Doctor of his, who swoops in from nowhere and saves the world. Except sometimes he doesn't. I wanted to ask him why? Now I don't need to ask, now I know the answer, sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame."

Day 5: **** 4/5

Whole show: ***** 5/5

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