Monday 6 July 2009

Horror TV review: Being Human

MM here, how you all doing? good? great. I watched this show a while back when it first aired and tried my best to plug it to Mr B but he was put off by the concept, thinking it would be some potentially bad sitcom (in fairness it was marketed as a comedy, wrongly so in my opinion). He recently caught an episode in passing and relented his previous view, sadly now with the scathing criticism that the british make horror characters too introspective and "emo", like bad 4th year art students (his words). Ouch. Well sir I'm afraid the clue was in the title, this is a show not about coming to terms with enjoying supernatural abilities but actually using them to examine very human flaws, mining them for drama that seems much more watchable. Indulge me if you will as I take each character individually:

Mitchell (the vampire)
The least original of the group with a legacy stretching from Anne Rice and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to more modern takes still such as Twilight or the crop of US vampire shows that currently dominate teen networks (NOT a british construct). His condition, as is often the case, is a metaphor for addiction, it could represent an alcoholic falling off the wagon, a sex addict who finds his lust consuming his life, a deviant who wants to be "normal", or someone with a dark side that they fear will consume them if they like it too much. His arc is the most US TV-like, and his kind are the main protagonists (the least interesting characters and plot for the most part sadly, with leader Henrick woefully miscast after the pilot). Gets the stand out moment of the series in episode 4 though which I shan't spoil...

George (the werewolf)
In some ways a relatable character, he suffered a violent incident and didn't die but now lives traumatised by it, even being bullied as a lesser monster by the vampires of this world (coming to a head brilliantly in the season finale). His condition is used variously to represent social ostracising, uncontrollable sexual deviance and problems, a violent temper, or a curse of life which makes it generally difficult to fit in, talk to girls etc. Unsurprisingly he is an intelligent, spectacle wearing geek. His arc is the most confused but picks up immensely when a girl enters his life and as he becomes the lone human watching the world become more crazy around him, until its fate rests on his scared shoulders...

Annie (the ghost)
Both the most likable, relatable character and the one with the weakest plot. A clear metaphor for spousal abuse, the big reveal of her murderer is obvious from BEFORE the start. Much better is her being a representation of anyone bullied or beaten down to the point of (literally) becoming invisible, with no real voice, and even developing OCD (she makes endless cups of tea that she can't drink). The actress here is also great, as are the other 2 leads so even with a completely lame plot line she makes you feel for her and genuinely care, especially as she gains her feminine power at series close, boding well for next season.

The overall story isn't as interesting as the little moments but they really do shine and we close on some fantastic last minute reveals which brilliantly set up the second series, I'll definitely be watching.

Overall show: **** 4/5

Episode by Episode:

1. *** 3/5. Nice set up of the characters states in flashback, some slight poor casting but a great bit in Lauren who keeps the early season afloat, more intriguing as set up than stand alone though.

2. ** 2/5 Werewolf who "created" George arrives, cue predictable tired tension, bastard nature and a bad actor playing a poor role, keeps 2 stars by virtue of the continuing arc of the other 2 main protagonists.

3. *** 3/5 Mitchell's tale becomes more intriguing and emotional and George meets someone important.

4. ***** 5/5 The best piece of british drama I have ever seen. Fact.

5. *** 3/5 Inevitable downhill slide from last week but things tick along nicely, we say a sort of goodbye to all the important romantic entanglements of all 3 characters and there is a real sense of ticking towards armageddon, though this is a tad too "Buffy-esque"

6. **** 4/5 Decent end but a relief that one arc is over, gains more points for setting up what seems like much better ones next year...

All images are copyright of the BBC. I heartily recommend their official website of the show which has some real treats for fans, and can be accessed here...

See you all tonight for Torchwood, TTFN.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your review. Doesn't change the fact that the show pissed me off immensely when I did watch it recently. So much potential. Yeah, granted, a show with 'supernaturals' that actually enjoy what they are might be tough to swallow, but it's about time we saw the other side. At least that bad vampire show I was watching had a dude in it that was just like that. However, the protagonist was the worst loser you ever saw "OMG!!1?11/1 I AM A VAMPIRE... O NOES!". Moonlight. That was it. Tortured soul? I was, after watching all of that series.

    Interview With The Vampire had some classy vamps that were quite happy being who they were. It was just such a dear, dear shame that Anne Rice made being a 'creature of the night' one of the most dull things you could ever imagine.

    Rant over.
