Thursday, 9 July 2009

Pandorum - Thoughts

There's a trailer doing the rounds at the moment for a new film entitled Pandorum. I don't know much about it beyond the fact that it's being sold as a sci-fi horror (what the hell is it with this blog, it's the only type of horror I seem to be talking about here - and no, I'm not a huge fan of this sub-genre).

Dennis Quaid is in it, so that makes it top notch. So far, we've seen little of the aliens/monsters/creepy things but it looks as though they're some sort of humanoid mutant creations. There's also a line about "we're turning into them" - so is it going to be 'science fear' or 'fear of evolution' or some other tripe? Only time will tell...

Let me reiterate though - Dennis Quaid is in it.

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