Saturday 11 July 2009

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Final Thoughts

SPOILER WARNING: I will be discussing events which occurred so it may not make sense until you've seen the episode and if it does it may blow something you would have preferred to experience first hand, which I recommend. Proceed at your own risk.

So, that was an epic long story. Fortunately it held up brilliantly, there was a danger of collapsing under its own weight and on days 2 and 3 it looked that way but the show as a whole more than pulled off this format change, in style actually. If the show does carry on it might be wise to attempt more of these as it was the best work that it has done in all 3 seasons.
The one thing I'm unsure about is the incredibly horrific parts and bleak darkness, from the aliens use of kids to Frobishers terrible last acts or Jacks murdering his own grandson, describing back the events really doesn't do justice to how horrifying they come across, but the thing is they make damned good drama and do make you feel something so perhaps they were actually too effective!?.
Regarding Jacks decision at the end I was truly upset by it, I think for the reason that this man is irredeemable now as the Dr Who sidekick, travelling hero who simply uses more violent methods and a gun, it is impossible to imagine the Doctor doing something like this in one of his stories for example so its a shame the writers did it to Jack. A nice compromise might have been to have Stephen inherit his grandfather's "Lazarus qualities", an idea which normally I would complain about but was longing for here. As I said before love how it was left though with Jack essentially becoming the Doctor just after the Time War, traumatised and running away.
A lot of people have asked me if this was the last episode and I have to say whilst I really hope not I do think its probably the case, it makes an absolutely cracking final moment for the show and it does seem like Russell T is drawing a line in the sand under these projects now.
Direction, acting etc were all superb and the plot much better than I'd expected with some real horror elements done brilliantly and the best, most menacing villains yet seen in both the 456 and their government "accomplices". A sterling work all round, if you didn't see it I truly do advise picking up the DVD on Mon. In the meantime I'd be really interested to know everyone else's thoughts on the series, please feel free to comment below, I'll probably even respond. Thanks for sticking with it all week and stay tuned for more reviews.

"Haven't travelled far enough yet, got a lot of dirt to shake off my shoes."

:-) ("No don't do that I hate smileys")

Marvel Man Mike

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