Saturday, 31 October 2009

Halloween 1 and 2 - On T.V Tonight

Somewhat obviously John Carpenter's classic (and still so superior) seventies slasher (some argue the original slasher) is getting an airing tonight. It will be featuring on BBC 2 at 11.20pm, immediately following a showing of a Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" special on Channel 4 at 10.50. The original Halloween will be immediately followed by it's vastly underrated sequel if you can stay up that late (I will be taping). Halloween 3, the one with the cult following but without Michael Myers, replaced by a plot involving mind controlled children, will be shown tomorrow by the same channel at midnight. Tonight is, again unsurprisingly, an embarassment of riches for we horror fans. Whilst Simpsons and the first Halloween will be forming part of my horror night others can take their pick from these, the aforementioned Dead Set or:

Ghost Ship on ITV1 at 11pm
The Watcher on Film 4 at 11pm
Prom Night on Five USA at 9pm (oh I wish this didn't clash with my plans)

and a variety of other options to satellite, cable or other viewers. Let us know what you watched and what you thought of it and enjoy the scares...


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