Monday 12 October 2009

One Hundredth Post!!!

Wow. It's crazy to think already how this blog has influenced my life. Now seems a good time to take stock, and point out that because of this and my friendship with Mr B I have watched so many odd and varied horror films over the last 4 months. Do check out the reviews. Likewise because of it I have bought DVD's recently of Saw 5, the original A Nightmare on Elm Street and Ju-On: The Grudge 2 which I hope to watch and review over the coming weeks (or knowing me, months). Also the horror holiday of Halloween is coming up so I will probably end up doing some variation on the usual horror movie marathon (more on that at a later date). Similarly I'm pretty psyched for the DVD release of the film Drag Me To Hell, which I have on pre-order. I would like to thank everyone who is visiting the site, Mr B and I know you're out there and whilst he wishes to remain somewhat anonymous I offer heartfelt congrats on the milestone to him from me too, anyone else wishing to get in touch can find me on Facebook here, Twitter here or here. Do get in touch with thoughts, opinions, comments or anything regarding the horror genre. Finally to celebrate this landmark number, because everyone loves lists and because it feels like I'm occassionally too negative here are the films I do genuinely love, my considered and much mulled over personal top ten horror films of all time, in reverse order:

10. The Evil Dead

9. Night of The Living Dead (1968)

8. The Shining

7. Carrie

6. Profondo Rosso (Deep Red)

5. Psycho

4. Scream

3. Aliens

2. Ju-On: The Grudge

1. Halloween (1978)

I fully expect controversy for what wasn't included, rather than what was. For the record just missing out on making the grade were such diverse films as The Birds, Scream 2, American Psycho, and the original Texas Chain-Saw Massacre. Likewise some of the films mentioned above might have made it in had they been fresher in my mind or after a considered re-watch (particularly Nightmare). I now throw down the gauntlet to Mr B to share his list, undoubtedly very different, to compare tastes and because it's a great way to judge a person's area of fondness for the genre. Look forward to seeing it and you over the next hundred...


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can't believe that the blog has grown so quickly. Still, that's very definitely a good thing. At some point, I'll have to create a 'master list' as it were of all horror films that I've ever watched - though I'd imagine it'll run into significantly more than 100. I'm glad to see that some genuine classics made your list there MM!

    Cheers and all the best to you all - Mr B.
