Wednesday 28 October 2009

Halloween's coming...

The perfect holiday for this site is almost upon us and I just wanted to share my own recollections and odd rituals to do with this (admittedly Americanised) day. It only really started when I was a kid watching t.v specials but a few years ago things really stepped up and the importance became greater. I was working at a cinema to help get me through university. On that fateful night of October 31st the cinema was having a special "Halloween Horror Night" where they stayed open all night long (from 11pm to 5am) showing 4 movies. Customers could pay to take part, ideally in costume, but we staff could stay for free. The four films on offer I still remember clearly, they were:


The original Japanese version, thankfully up first. Made me realise how slow and foreboding it is, working in airs of menace and not as captivating nor over the top as most U.S horror including its remake but with a suitably iconic last moment that was awesome to experience at all, let alone in a crowd of like minded fans. It was also parodied by a girl in Sadako fancy dress crawling from the cinema screen. Fun times.

The Evil Dead

Sam Raimi's original low budget classic, held the attention admirably as I fought to stay awake. I still remember being jarringly awoken by the card-reading sequence and loving how creeped out and messed up it was. Also reminded me that whilst it's often overlooked in favour of its sequel this is an excellent movie, a wild, fast ride with scares, shocks, gross moments and freaky atmosphere all in spades.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

I'd be lying if I said I was awake during this, due to a combination of the mid-morning time and the fact I'd seen it in class a couple of months previously. My opinion is well documented elsewhere on the sight (good, solid movie if not a five star classic) but I will say that the annoying last half hour is the best and worst thing to happen to a sleeping cinema patron wanting to be alert for the next movie. Like the worlds most irritating alarm clock.

Friday The 13th

The very first in the now looong running franchise, surprisingly tame and very steeped in a time and cultural place but holds the viewer well enough, with a few surprises, some oddly quaint horror moments and the best last minute scare of the night.

I slept in the staff room the morning after these movies finished and always remembered it as a great time, we all dressed up (I bought a Scream costume for it which I still have) and ever since then I have tried to keep up that tradition of watching a Halloween Horror Night, usually involving two or more movies on DVD and possibly Halloween specials of t.v shows (Buffy being a mainstay in recent years). Yes, even for a guy who doesn't label himself as a huge horror afficionado, this time of year changes all that, brings out my love of the darker side and I will be doing the whole ritual again this Saturday, probably with similarly toned movies as that first night, like always. Stay tuned to hear how it went and what makes the cut and enjoy your own horror themed fun this weekend...



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