Saturday 27 June 2009

The Exorcist - A Favourite Of Mine

Every so often, a channel will stick The Exorcist on
. The original is far better than the strange sequels that were spawned, including the newest prequels. Here's a few reasons why I like the film so much:
  • I saw The Exorcist when I was 16 and it genuinely gave me goosebumps
  • I have long been into ghost stories, and the idea of being possessed by the devil is right up there. Seeing Linda Blair's transformation from normal child to something else amazed me
  • The subtlety of the film (the moments of flash frame when we see the face of Pazuzu) and the almost documentary feel of the hopsital sequence remains chilling to watch
  • Acting in the film is on the whole of a very high quality
  • The supernatural element of the film - moving from knowing nothing, to disbelief to ultimately the exorcism of Reagan was handled in a mature and carefully stated way
Ultimately, The Exorcist IS a film of power. The conclusion of the film speaks of sacrifice; of good overcoming evil in the face of huge adversity. It is the success of man over the beast. Yet for all that, I'm not religious.

However, The Exorcist is a film that speaks to me on many levels and provides chills whenever it is watched. William Friedkin, your seminal horror film is a masterpiece. A showcase of the art for thrills and chills. No wonder it caused such a stir on release back in 1973...

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