Saturday 27 June 2009

The Random Thoughts of Mr B and myself

I just finished a, very usual, hour long phone conversation with Mr B in which, as is often the case we ended up discussing the horror genre and elaborating on a personal level about some of the things discussed in previous posts (despite his supposed tipsy status). Some of the things discussed which I felt like sharing included:

-Martyrs is effective because sometimes images that are strong and horrific enough don't have to have a coherent plot reason (Mr B) and my disagreeing, then coming round slightly and deciding that in the hands of an incredibly gifted and artistic director perhaps they can have some impact, but I still prefer visceral imagery AND a cracking plot (hence I prefer the first 2 Saw movies to the other sequels and only like parts of Hostel).

- Mr B's conclusion that "If all a film has is bad acting ... " (which became the quote of the night).

- His predilection for the supernatural, and my preference for more human villains, but love of Japanese ghost stories.

Much more was discussed but I'm hoping to feed into other posts later, including potentially an epic post tomorrow which I'm hoping will get people spurred into thinking, and hopefully commenting, about the best of the genre.

Until then keep it chilled,

1 comment:

  1. I can confirm that, by nature of my rather sore head, I was drunk... but still coherent enough to string together my usual insane ramblings!
