Sunday, 22 November 2009

Greatest 3-d horror moments.

To those who didn't catch this, Channel 4 here in the U.K last night aired an hour long special of the greatest moments of 3-d on tv and film to date. A lot of the scenes and clips shown were from horror so if you get a chance do catch the repeat tonight, ideally with 3-d glasses if you have them and the technology works for you. Unfortunately it doesn't for me due to my lack of decent eyesight but I still watched the piece and got the intent. What's featured were everything from the terrible to the, well frankly worse, but with a couple of good moments and a wow factor. Spoilers lie ahead but viewers saw,or can expect to see, scenes from:

Flesh For Frankenstein: sample dialogue "You cannot truly know death until you have f@*ked life,... in the gall bladder", no seriously I was already in stitches at this hilariously crazy level of terrible but the scene shown itself, with the comedy "spleen on a stick" lunging at the audience member confirmed this as just excellent comedy. That was the intent, right?

Creature From The Black Lagoon: No, not Brooke Shields, the classic monster creature feature star, extremely well designed with, as Kim Newman states in the show, great dimensionality anyway in a seminal film.

Jaws 3: Truly abysmally filmed effects, already poor, slowed down and bearing at you but still a slow, rubber shark doing so even in three dimensions.

...and another piece which eagle eyed viewers will note has been left out, because it is, of course, above this little box...


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