Wednesday, 25 November 2009

3,4, better lock your door...

Hi again gang. I'm getting pretty hyped about the Nightmare on Elm Street reimagining heading our way next year, enjoying the pre-release excitement before the often inevitable disappointment. To that end forgive the fact that this is barely news but the first clear picture of Jackie Earle Haley's new interpretation of Freddy Kreuger was released today. Unfortunately it's only the action figure but it does show you clearer than we've yet seen how they're going with this and, yes, it's remarkably similar to what we've already seen. Good or bad thing? I don't know, looks good to me. The image originated at but is gradually being removed from the net by a sweeping and presumably panicked marketing department. Doesn't stop this fearless reporter though. Thanks to AICN for the heads up on this. See what you think below, oh and clicking on the image should give you a larger and clearer picture:


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