Monday, 2 November 2009

Why Great horror is heartbreaking.

One of my fondest genre memories is of going to a local art-house cinema with Mr B to watch the original Dark Water. After being initially underwhelmed I was terrified and heartbroken by the end revelations, finding myself deeply affected by the past history of this ghost, and abuse suffered of a young child, far scarier than any unexplained supernatural force or o.t.t demon etc in my opinion.

Why do I bring this up? Well I'd ask you all to check out this article at IO9 on the subject of why heartbreaking horror is great. An interesting piece which plays to my fan strengths so be warned there is a heavy emphasis on the work of Joss Whedon (though not exclusively).

Big hello to everyone who has been coming to mention the blog and any new viewers. Hope to catch you all soon.


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