Sunday 15 November 2009

Harry Brown - Representative Of Real Life Horror?

I'm going to see Harry Brown tonight, a film that I'm hugely looking forward to. In my younger, formative days I wasn't very impressed with Michael Caine but as I've got older I've enjoyed his acting more and more. Some have said this is his magnum opus, his Gran Torino. I do see where the comparisons are coming from, but it's a different take for reasons I'll go into in the review after I've seen the film.

So, what's this commentary of a British thriller doing on a horror blog? It's more simple than you think. Whilst ghosts, the supernatural, insane masked killers etc are frequent tropes of the genre, Harry Brown confronts a more apparent and readily accessible true-life horror - the breakdown of society. The hoodies, the druggies, the low-lives, the chavs, those with disregard for the law and others - this is where true horror is for some and also where the phrase 'Lawless Britain' was spawned.

If you've ever walked down the street feeling nervous about who you might bump into, if your phone has ever been half inched, if you've ever been threatened or attacked then you've probably felt more real fear than 100 horror movies provide. This is Harry Brown explores and the reasons behind the will of one man to fight back.

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