Saturday 9 January 2010

Being Human returns

If somehow you've managed to miss the fair amount of publicity material surrounding the return of Being Human to BBC3 I just wanted to give a heads up that the new series starts tomorrow at 9.30. Whilst not a show that my co-author particularly rates I highly recommend checking it out, it was a highlight of british horror tv for me last year and I personally think one of the best written shows of it's type to come from these shores. Can't wait to see what new trials await Mitchell, George and Annie following last years dramatic finale and the continued attempts to find humanity in a harsh world whilst, as the newest promo suggests, facing their demons.


1 comment:

  1. By all means check it out, just don't expect it to wow you. Although, I did read that for some reason Demons did quite well over in the US. Who'da thunk it?
