Tuesday 5 January 2010

Is There A Horror Film In 2010 You're Looking Forward To?

Yes, of course there is! Probably plenty, but I'm only just catching up with the news so there'll be a lot of them I don't yet know about. However, The Wolfman is coming soon though (Feb 12th US?) and Daybreakers (maybe a decent vampire film) could be worth a watch.

As you all know, I'm not always the most mainstream of horror film viewer so I'm looking for something a little more interesting to scare the nights away with. Tony looks like a decent British indie slasher, whilst from last year I'm still keen to see The Box, if not keen enough to have went to the cinema in the first place.

An interesting trend to notice is that there's two similar horror/fantasy pieces due in 2010, Black Death (Sean Bean - looks like Boromir is out again) and Season Of The Witch (Nicholas Cage). Both include a witch, some sorcery and some fantasy sword play. Should be excellent!

Apparition - Dark Castle Entertainment - is being talked up for 2010 and sounds like it could be worth a watch, though whether you believe the 'based on a true story' thing is up to you.

My own personal massive recommendation is to, if you can, get hold of The Christmas Tale. I've probably mentioned it before, but it's one of the strangest, most disturbing things you'll see. The film stars Ivana Baquero of Pan's Labyrinth fame. To say more would be an injustice. Go see! In the meantime, I'm off to see if there's anything scary on demand.

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