Wednesday 20 January 2010

Brief Update 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hmmm, according to the Hollywood Reporter British writer supreme and my personal hero Russell T. Davies is developing an American Torchwood series. The show may still feature John Barrowman reprising his role of Captain Jack Harkness. This could be ace or truly, hideously terrible. The UK show got progressively better as it went on but having just picked up book 2 of Davies' The Writer's Tale shows how much work and passion goes into this, I can't see him compromising or phoning it in. Plus, new US sci-fi/horror: colour me intrigued.
For anyone unfamilar with the show I recommend it, in brief it involves a covert group of alien hunters dealing with the bizarre and supernatural/extraterrestrial. But that doesn't scratch the surface of some of it's finer stuff. Check out Adrift, Fragments or the whole of Children of Earth.


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