Wednesday 6 January 2010

Something apt

Hi guys. Long time, no see. Many apologies for lack of posting but obviously the holiday season was totally crazy, more so than usual for me. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't be writing this today if it wasn't for the fact that I'm snowed in, unable to get to work and stuck in the house. How about that crazy weather huh? On the subject of that, and related to Mr B's article on things (particularly smaller scale stuff) to look out for in 2010 I thought I'd share a trailer for a little, dramatic, somewhat high-concept horror piece that I found. I'm told that it doesn't convey the genius of the dramatic touches, writing or character work but the concept sure got me interested, and suitably chilled (pun not intended). In any case sorry about the fitting nature but see what you think...


1 comment:

  1. That looks absolutely brilliant! I particularly enjoyed the part where the guy jumps (hey, what else can you do?) and the final few seconds with the girl presumably leaving half her frozen skin on the ski lift safety bar. Sweet. I hope to see this asap.
