Wednesday 20 January 2010

A Brief Update

Hi gang, apologies if things fall away a bit here but things are crazy hectic in my personal life at the moment and it's making it difficult to keep on top of things, I will try though. To that end sincere apologies on lack of a new Being Human review, they will probably continue to get later and briefer generally but I'm hoping to have something of decent size and quality down at the weekend. Now the "best laid plans" theory probably comes into play...
Anyways enough about me. I am writing with the news that last years "sleeper hit" Paranormal Activity has already been given a date, tentatively up against Saw 7 (seriously!) this winter, and will be directed, ironically enough, by Saw 6's Kevin Gruetert. On a side note what a horror movie name that guy has, it's almost the word gruesome but more twisted. Or is that just me? In any case I have to catch up on the first film on DVD when they extend days to 32 hours.
The series' original creator Oren Peli is busy on other projects but remains involved as a producer and has been talking up the sequel for worried fans, to be written by t.v veteran Michael R. Perry. Who? Well according to AICN:

"Writer Perry has previously scripted multiple episodes of MILLENNIUM, LAW & ORDER: SVU (he was also a producer on that series), and THE DEAD ZONE for television."

I'm not sure if I have any strong feelings about this but I hope I enjoy the first movie and that this doesn't suck, too much of that around, and isn't horribly derivative or sloppy. Hopefully be posting more soon...


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