Friday 7 August 2009

The Amityville Horror - Some Commentary

I'm talking about the original here, not the remake.

Marvel Man's mother kindly lent me the DVD (as well as making a very nice curry) and I couldn't resist watching it that very night.

I've always held the original film very dear to my heart. It was one of the first 'haunted house' movies I saw and it left me genuinely scared. I'm quite happy to comment that it has lost none of the charm and remains a better watch than the remake (Ryan Reynolds or not).

The storyline with the priest is scary, the unseen, unknown Jodie is scary, the blood down the walls and the sheer oddness, the more subtle touches, the flies, the cross turning upside down... All these make for some great elements.

I'm quite happy to say that I watched the original truly gripped. This brings me to a point I've mentioned before. Unless you are sure that what you can achieve is going to be better than the original (without resorting to cheap effects), then don't bother. I think it actually comes down to something that Marvel Man mentioned. If you've got a great story, you don't need to have whacked out visuals. Simple, subtle visuals can work just as well and The Amityville Horror is a case in point. A seminal, superb haunted house horror.

***** 5/5

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