Monday 17 August 2009

Jennifer's Body - Preview and Green Band Trailer

I'll be honest the more I see or read about this movie the more interested I become, and not JUST because it has Mega(n) Fox in the lead role looking and acting pretty hot. Writer Diablo Cody seems to at least have an ear for authentic youth dialogue (though I haven't actually watched all of Juno) and knows how to milk the situations for humour or horror from the reality and the truth of being young and messed up (literally in this case).
For those not in the know the movie sees Fox's bitchy cheerleader, the hottest girl in school type, kidnapped by a Satan-worshipping rock band and possessed by a demon. As she goes on a killing spree, rampaging through the school's male population, her wallflower best friend (Mamma Mia's Amanda Seyfried, but don't hold that against her) must find her strength, kill her and despatch those responsible.
I'll admit it's not exactly looking original, the high school tropes and types seem a bit cheesy, and unrelatable potentially. But the piece seems to be quite intense and takes itself refreshingly seriously for the most part. And the trailer definitely looks quite cool, do seriously check it out (it's just below...), and see the Red Band version too if you can (embedding was disabled and some copies wouldn't play in the UK). Yup, I do definitely wanna check this one out...


1 comment:

  1. I dunno why, this just isn't striking a chord with me. Then again, as you know MM, it might be that it's the whole 'teen' thing which I am not a fan of. Mega Fox is worth seeing though!
