Friday 21 August 2009

The Wolfman (2010) - Trailer

Hi again faithful fright fans.
Hope I'm not treading on any toes here but Mr B's previous post spurred me to finding this (it wasn't easy) and I thought I would share it with you. I'll be honest I've been acutely aware of this movie for a while but it hadn't grabbed my interest, until now. It's good in a way to see Universal revisit the old horror classics of their monster mashing heyday but I'm still not convinced the character can be shocking or relevant enough for a world that seems to have moved on beyond this, plus some of the cliche elements seem ridiculously hokey, I can't be the only one who thought of scenes being almost humourous that have been so readily parodied (the curse, the gypsy woman, the moors etc). That said I wasn't aware until now that the writer is someone I greatly admire, one Andrew Kevin Walker, and the film does look good, also check out that cast (Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Anthony Hopkins and Hugo Weaving) all completely stepping up to the top of their game, if this preview is any indication. Yup, atmospheric and evocative with genuine emotion, thanks Mr B, the geek radar is definitely registering interest now. Check it out for yourselves...


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