Sunday, 6 September 2009

Harper's Island - Starts Tonight

... on BBC 3. If you missed me previously trailing this then just click on the key word below. The first 2 episodes will be shown together as a double bill twice tonight at both 9pm and 11.05pm. I will be watching and giving the show a go and will hopefully be posting something on here with my thoughts at some point in the not too distant future, if the cold I'm suffering from ever improves any. Likewise apologies for the lack of material on my part but stress, illness and the tendency for life to alter any potential plans has conspired to lead me to watch a bit less horror and not feel up to writing much. I do, however, have The Grudge 3 sat in my front room waiting to be watched and the japanese Grudge 2 due in the post any day now so with a bit of luck you should look out for something on those too. In the meantime drop me a line if there's anything you want to see whilst the site is up and idle, I'm in this for you guys. Bye for now...

1 comment:

  1. I'm probably going to leave this one to MM to cover, seems far more his thing than mine. Still, you never know and if it's worth a watch it might be worth picking up the DVD.
