Wednesday 16 September 2009

Twitter Round-Up

Hey there readers. If you're not folowing the site on Twitter then seriously it's worth doing, at least check it out, we are now following and being followed by various horror alumni, both famous and not so, just follow the link here.
If you haven't been following the tweet feed then there were a couple of short news items you may have missed, they were as follows:

Next Resident Evil sequel to be "Batman Begins" style reboot. Isn't everything these days?

Patrick Lussier (My Bloody Valentine 2009) to replace Rob Zombie and helm next installment of the Halloween franchise... in 3-D!

First reviews of "Zombieland" and "Jennifer's Body" are hitting the web (scoped some on AICN), apologies I haven't read them yet.

I'd also like to give a special mention to Lion's Gate Horror, who sought out and added OUR page, through them I got a lot of sneak peeks at the next Saw movie (the sixth!), which really surprised me how much it whet my appetite and reinvigorated my interest in that franchise, a great page well worth your time, access it here. You might want to also head over to the Saw Facebook page if you have an account there, it's chock full of Saw related goodness including first shots of posters, trailers, quotes, talkbacks, and killer competitions (excuse the pun). Find that here. I'm not a sell-out I promise, just sharing something I enjoyed and that some of you might too, that said the shameless promotion is officially over for now. Look out for related upcoming blog posts though.


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